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RIOU-RUSADA “Ethics in sports: key aspects of anti-doping activities" training course has started

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On September 24, 2018 RAA "RUSADA" and the Russian International Olympic University with the support of the Russian Ministry of sports launched a joint educational project - the refresher course "Ethics in sports: key aspects of anti-doping activities" for sports federations staff, regional executives and sports organizations engaged in the field of physical culture and sports.

The project aims to establish professional ground for the development of a new culture in sports and anti-doping promotion.

During the training participants will learn sports ethics and anti-doping rules, acquire knowledge, skills and abilities required in professional field, study documents related to anti-doping legislation and anti-doping practice, assess the impact of social and organizational context on decisions in the field of anti-doping regulation, get acquainted with the successful preventive practices.

Program is to be attended by specialists from more than 50 Russian regions, as well as by Azerbaijan anti-doping agency (AMADA) representatives.

At the end of the training participants will develop tactical plans promoting "Ethics in sports" in their region.

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