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'Sports Ethics and Integrity in Sport'

Дата события / День 21
Дата события / Месяц January 2022
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General Information


'Sports Ethics and Integrity in Sport'


Lecturer – Margarita Pakhnotskaya

PhD (Pedagogy)

Independent international expert, World Athletics

Former RUSADA’s Deputy Director General, Chair of the Ad Hoc Group on Protection of Whistleblowers in Anti-Doping, part of the Monitoring Group of the Anti-Doping Convention (the Council of Europe)


RIOU campus, Sochi. Youtube: 


January 21, 4.30pm-6.00pm


The lecture will look at the fundamentals of sports ethics and discuss the current risks for global sport, including: doping, manipulation and fraudulent practices, including in betting. It will also consider the role and functions of the organisations dedicated to preserving the integrity of global sport (AIU, BIU, ITIA).


Russian, English (simultaneous translation at the venue)

Target audience

The lecture will be of interest to future professionals in the fields of sports management, sports law and anti-doping activities, as well as to anyone interested in professional sport

Date and venue
Дата 21.01.2022
Время 16:30
Адрес места г. Сочи, ул. Орджоникидзе, д.11
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