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27 New Participants Graduate from TAFISA/ROC/RIOU Sport Event Management Course

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The second cohort of participants in the Sport Event Management Course successfully graduated after attending the 10-day programme between 22 February – 3 March. Congratulations to them!

The online course, organised by the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and TAFISA, and hosted by the Russian International Olympic University (RIOU), was an exclusive offer to TAFISA members and aimed to support their capacity building efforts in sport event management.

27 representatives from 15 countries have completed the course during this second session, adding to the 26 graduates who attended the first course between 23 November – 3 December, 2020. In total, the programme benefitted TAFISA members from 35 countries worldwide.

Following the outstanding success of this new cooperation, TAFISA the ROC and RIOU are reflecting on future joint programmes that could be offered to TAFISA members.

ROC Director General Vladimir Sengleev highlighted that “The Olympic Movement should be supported by two pillars: mass sport (grassroots sport) and high achievement sport. Both should develop in parallel, and not to the detriment of each other, including with the participation of TAFISA. In 2024, as part of the 8th TAFISA World Sport for All Games due to be held in Nizhny Novgorod, we plan to organise a conference dedicated to this topic for representatives of numerous National Olympic Committees”.

TAFISA Secretary General Baumann further underlined “TAFISA gladly supports the initiative of the Russian Olympic Committee in initiating this educational course. I am optimistic about the future and hope that over time, young sport managers from all over the world will make a significant contribution to our work. The current course is not a one-off event, but a long-term project aimed at training a new generation of managers in Sport for All.” 

RIOU Rector Prof. Lev Belousov informed the participants that “The Russian International Olympic University is a direct result of the legacy of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and during the past three years we have confidently held second place in Europe and tenth in the world in terms of educational programmes in sports management according to the British magazine SportBusiness International. RIOU is one of the few educational institutions that has the right to use Olympic symbols on diplomas, and all our teaching methods have been approved by the International Olympic Committee.

Course Participants


TAFISA would like to extend its gratitude to the Russian Olympic Committee and Russian International Olympic University for organising and hosting the course, as well as its congratulations to all participants for graduating, sharing their experiences and challenging the lecturers.

Источник http://www.tafisa.org/news/GraduationSportEventManagementCourse
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