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RIOU continues to develop working relations with finnish Savonia University of Applied Sciences

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The cooperation with Savonia University of Applied Sciences grows and develops: five students from Finland have passed the “Marketing Communications and Public Relations” course which makes a part of the RIOU MSA programme and is taught by a renowned British professor Guy Masterman.

RIOU is actively promoted in Savonia by those who already studied at our University and had an unforgettable experience of living in Sochi. Our current MSA student and Savonia graduate Raija Recola has been invited for an internship by the Finnish NOC. While in Finland, Raija visited her Alma Mater in Kuopio and made a presentation about RIOU to the second-year students. They made a record of her presentation and can now share it with other students as well! Firsthand impressions are really  important when choosing an exchange programme – so we can be sure we will welcome even more Finnish students at RIOU soon!


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